Good afternoon all! My sincerest apologies - yesterday was jam-packed and a very long day and this girl needed to sleep in and let the muse rest. My name is Susan and I love purple paint! My blog is sbartist : painting in the dark. I invite you to drop in for a visit and follow me too... I'm always on some sort of creative adventure.
So I will share the short of it here (and I'll share some longer ramblings HERE)...
I'm a mixed media artist & graphic designer : Dabbling in photography, assemblage, collage and whatever strikes my fancy. My blog is entitled sbartist : painting in the dark – pretty self explanatory. I lurk around in the dark creating art while all in the world are asleep. I spend my days working in a busy print shop doing my computer wizardry producing printed materials.
Creatively speaking... Not only am I one of the designers and also your Den Mother here at the Anything But a Card Challenges Blog... but also I’m Creative Team Coordinator & Senior Designer for Alumilite Corp. a.k.a. Amazing Crafting Products Design Team {I'm the queen of Amazing Mold Putty}; Designer on the Viva Las VegaStamps! Design Team; and designer and co-admin of the Unscripted Sketches Design Team. I also previously served a couple of other teams including the Sakura Hobby Craft Design Team. ABAC is a labor of love and gives me a sense of joy and accomplishment each week as we collectively share our love for creating.
So I will share the short of it here (and I'll share some longer ramblings HERE)...
I'm a mixed media artist & graphic designer : Dabbling in photography, assemblage, collage and whatever strikes my fancy. My blog is entitled sbartist : painting in the dark – pretty self explanatory. I lurk around in the dark creating art while all in the world are asleep. I spend my days working in a busy print shop doing my computer wizardry producing printed materials.
Creatively speaking... Not only am I one of the designers and also your Den Mother here at the Anything But a Card Challenges Blog... but also I’m Creative Team Coordinator & Senior Designer for Alumilite Corp. a.k.a. Amazing Crafting Products Design Team {I'm the queen of Amazing Mold Putty}; Designer on the Viva Las VegaStamps! Design Team; and designer and co-admin of the Unscripted Sketches Design Team. I also previously served a couple of other teams including the Sakura Hobby Craft Design Team. ABAC is a labor of love and gives me a sense of joy and accomplishment each week as we collectively share our love for creating.
I LOVE... my husband, Travel, Painting and drawing - OK let's just lump ALL THINGS art related together here; Def Leppard; ALL things PURPLE; found objects {i'm always picking up stuff off the ground}; Salvador DALI; RECYCLING and repurposing things; artistic challenges; SWAP art; throwing paint; BBQ Pork; chocolate mint ice cream; Bubble baths and afternoon naps; street painting; Twizzlers and Lemonheads; GOOGLIE eyes; my MINI Cooper {now in it's 4th regeneration}; going
to Art Museums; and painting in the dark...
Being a creative spontaneous spirit – in my experience this has made for some amazing and sometimes tumultuous adventures...
For as long as I can remember I loved making things and this is still true today. This altered book page features a photo of me age two that I've devilishly painted myself with chocolate cake... So I think I started my creative journey really young {and I'm still not very fond of chocolate cake}.
My very first design team was Unscripted Sketches and my first project was of all things a scrapbook page including recycled bottle caps.
My style is varied and unique - ranging from cardmaking, tags, and mixed-media - to altered art, mini-albums and off-the-page whimsies. In observing my creations one thing was strikingly clear - RECYCLING. Recently I have made a more conscious effort of it - but looking back... I was always doing it. More often than not I have included all sorts things that others would discard and this made me SMILE!
So for your mini challenge I found this so easy to decide... I challenge you to RECYCLE IT!!! Try greencrafting – repurpose items destined for the bin into something beautiful, useful and new again. Go rummage your recycling bin - or your crafty stash - and create something wonderful out of something most take for granted. GO GREEN!!!
I do hope you'll play along this week with the
"RECYCLE IT" Challenge
and can't wait to see how you THINK GREEN.
"RECYCLE IT" Challenge
and can't wait to see how you THINK GREEN.
Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and Chanukkah!
Please join us next Sunday for a brand new Challenge - No. 30. Have a great week! Sb
Please join us next Sunday for a brand new Challenge - No. 30. Have a great week! Sb
Thanks so much for joining us!
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(Linkup closed)
If you love our mission here and want to be a part of this fabulous team
of creatives, please contact me {amazingcrafting at yahoo dot com}.